Until What Age Should I Brush Teeth For My Child?

When To Start Brushing Your Child’s Teeth

Pediatric Dental Care

Oral hygiene and cleaning teeth and gums must be a major part of everybody’s daily routine, including young children.

Your child’s dental hygiene should start as soon as they get their first tooth and even before that.

But how is it possible to improve your child’s dental health before teething?!

We’ll explain.

Keep Your Child’s Mouth Healthy

Your child’s mouth needs to be kept clean even before their first tooth push through the baby’s gum line.

You have every right to be surprised by hearing you need to clean your baby’s mouth before they have any teeth poking through their gums. However, your baby’s gums also need to be cleaned to keep oral bacteria away from their mouth.

Cleaning your baby’s gums is also beneficial because it helps prepare your child for the future tooth brushing routine.

To begin cleaning your baby’s mouth, you need to prepare a moist, soft cloth.

Gently wipe your baby’s gums with the damp washcloth. (Avoid applying pressure)

To reduce bacteria buildup, you can also clean the under-lip area.


-Use only water to clean your baby’s gums.

-You can clean your baby’s gums twice a day in the morning and at night before sleeping.

Start Brushing Your Children’s Teeth As Soon As Their First Tooth Emerges

While teething may vary from child to child, most children will have their first tooth at around six months of age and almost all their baby teeth by the age of three.

Tooth brushing should become a part of your child’s daily routine after getting their first baby tooth.

For Your Information

Your child may not get their first tooth until they are twelve months old; it’s not a cause for concern.

The Importance of Baby’s Teeth

Baby teeth play a crucial role in your child’s oral health and dental development.

Brushing baby teeth and keeping them healthy will ensure your child’s oral health because children need their baby teeth to speak, eat, and chew food properly.

Baby teeth are susceptible to decay as soon as they emerge in your child’s mouth and need to be cleaned twice a day.

Baby’s teeth are also important because they are considered space holders for future adult teeth. If baby teeth are lost prematurely, it can increase your child’s risk of orthodontic problems later.

Tips For Brushing Children’s Teeth

To prevent tooth decay and improve your child’s oral health, buy an infant toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles.

“Gently brush your child’s teeth with the soft-bristled toothbrush using gentle circles.”

You can follow these steps to clean your baby’s teeth:

-Put your child in a way that allows you to see inside their mouth.

-Putting your children in your lab may be a good idea because it helps you be more in control by minimizing their constant movements.

-You can cup your child’s chin in your hand with your child’s head resting against your body.

-Angle the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the baby’s gum line.

-Gently brush the toddler’s teeth using small circles.

-Clean the outer and inner sides of your child’s teeth and the chewing surfaces.

How About Toothpaste?

Please seek advice from a healthcare professional on when and what type of toothpaste you can use for your child to prevent tooth decay.


-Parents should clean teeth of young children aged six months to seventeen months using water only.

-Brushing teeth with low fluoride toothpaste is recommended for children aged eighteen months to five years old. Parents or caregivers can apply a small pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste on a child-sized soft-bristled toothbrush and begin brushing the baby’s teeth.

-Children are allowed to use regular fluoride toothpaste as soon as they reach six years old.

-Make sure your child spit the remains of the toothpaste and does not swallow it.


1-Parents are supposed to replace toothbrushes every three months.

2-Using an electric toothbrush can also be fun for children, especially those who seem unwilling to practise good oral hygiene. An electric toothbrush can also make the job easier for parents because almost all you need to do is hold the toothbrush head in one tooth for a few seconds without moving it.

You can read our guide regarding using toothpaste here: https://www.puredentistry.com.au/toothpaste-for-children/

Attention: It should be noted that this information does not intend to replace advice from a qualified dental expert, so please contact your child’s pediatric dentist for more precise advice.

How Long Should Parents Brush Children’s Teeth?

You are advised to brush your child’s teeth for them until they reach the age of eight.

After that age, children can begin brushing their own teeth but still need to be observed.

Observing your child after they begin brushing their teeth is essential because tooth brushing can keep the teeth and gums healthy if only the correct technique is being applied.

Moreover, your child may use too much toothpaste or swallow it, leading to fluorosis.

To improve dental health and prevent gum disease or tooth decay, everyone should brush their teeth twice a day using age-appropriate fluoride toothpaste (a pea-sized amount) for two minutes.

Children’s First Dental Visit

Your children’s primary teeth begin to erupt between the age of six months to twelve months, and that’s when you can start dental care and schedule a first dental visit for your child.

According to the American Dental Association, children should have had their teeth and gums checked before their first birthday.