Loose Teeth in Children

An Overview of Loose Teeth in Children

Loose teeth are a common occurrence. For children who still have baby teeth, a loose tooth means that their permanent teeth are awaiting their arrival. On the other hand, children who already have their permanent teeth can still experience a loose tooth, which can be alarming for both the parent and child.

The good news is, you have options. Read on to learn what causes a loose tooth, treatment options available to your child, and preventive measures you can take right now to minimize your child’s risk.


Losing a Primary Tooth

For children, a loose tooth is an indication that their adult teeth are preparing to surface. Generally, your child will begin to lose their primary teeth between the ages of 6 and 7. However, this will depend on the individual child and can occur younger or older. Regardless, children tend to lose their baby teeth in the order that it erupted.

With that said, when a permanent tooth is ready to surface, the root of the baby tooth will begin to dissolve to make room for the new, permanent tooth. This leads to the baby tooth becoming loose and only being held together by the surrounding gum tissue.

It’s important to note that a child can experience a loose tooth due to injury. If this happens, it’s best practice to take your child to a paediatric dentist in Brisbane for an examination. A dentist will check the stability of the baby tooth and ensure there are no infections or damage to the permanent teeth underneath.

Children loose teeth

What Should I Do If My Child Has a Loose Primary Tooth?

Experiencing a loose baby tooth is natural. For this reason, it’s a good idea to let nature take its course and allow the baby tooth to fall out at its own pace. Parents and children should take caution, pulling out loose teeth as this can lead to an infection. Here are a few tips for dealing with a loose baby tooth.

  • Brush and Floss Daily: Continue to brush and floss as normal. Proper teeth brushing and flossing will remove germs and bacteria and ensure your child has a healthy set of teeth.
  • Don’t Be Alarmed by Blood: It’s important to know that a little blood is normal. Small amounts of blood are common when the baby tooth has even come out. If your child is experiencing a little blood and pain, rinse their mouth out with cold water to clean the area and alleviate pain.
  • Use a Cold Compress: Loose teeth can often feel sore. If this happens, a cold compress can numb the area to alleviate any discomfort and pain.

Although experiencing loose teeth is a natural process for children with baby teeth, parents should know the signs of an infection of their children’s teeth and gums. If you believe your child has an infection, contact a dentist as soon as possible to get their teeth checked. Here are three (3) signs of infection:

  • Redness and swelling of the gums surrounding the infected tooth
  • The infected tooth and gums are oozing
  • Swelling around the mouth or jaw
Kids loose teeth

Losing a Permanent Tooth

Loose baby teeth are typical. However, a loose tooth is a cause of concern for children who already have their permanent teeth. This occurs when a tooth loses support and slowly detaches from the gums and bones. If a permanent tooth is loose, your child might notice a feeling of looseness when brushing or flossing. In addition, the dentist may notice wobbling when your child goes for routine dental cleaning.

Ultimately, a loose permanent tooth means there is an underlying cause. This can be due to advanced gum disease, which is when a bacterial infection attacks the gums, tissue, and surrounding bones.

Gum disease is mostly the result of long-term poor dental hygiene, however some medical conditions can also cause loose permanent teeth. For instance, a lack of brushing and flossing on a regular basis can lead to gum disease. In addition, a lack of dental cleanings can lead to gum disease because tartar is more likely to build up in the space underneath the gums.

Another cause of loose permanent teeth is a sudden impact or injury. In some cases, a loose tooth due to injury or impact can re-tighten if the injury is mild. Essentially, the gums might be able to heal and re-tighten, allowing the tooth to firm back to its original place. With that said, it’s a good idea to check with your dentist to clarify the condition of the tooth.

Here are a few symptoms associated with loose permanent teeth:

  • Bleeding gums: Bleeding gums are a sign of inflammation and the most common symptom of gum disease.
  • Swollen gums: Swollen, inflamed gums can cause discomfort for children and is often a result of gingivitis. Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that leads to inflammation in the gums.
  • Red gums: Red gums are a sign of irritation and inflammation. Just like swollen gums, this can be a result of certain gum diseases such as gingivitis.
  • Gum recession: Gum recession occurs when the gums are pushed back or wear away and expose the pink tissue that covers the teeth’ root.

Treatment Options

If a loose tooth is a result of gum disease, the dentist may be able to provide a special dental cleaning called scaling and root planing to remove hardened plaque. If there is an infection, the dentist may provide your child with antibiotics to kill the infection.  Sometimes, gum disease can be more serious where dental cleaning is not enough to handle the issue. In this case, surgery may be an option for your child. Here are 4 surgery options to consider:


This is a technique used to stabilize teeth that have become loose due to a decline in bone support from gum disease. With that said, if a loose tooth hasn’t detached from the gums, a dentist may be able to save the tooth using this technique. The process involves using a piece of metal to bond the two neighbouring teeth. This allows the loose tooth to get the extra support it needs to stay in place.

Flap Surgery

Flap surgery involves cleaning the roots of the tooth and repairs bone damage caused by gum disease. With this type of surgery, the dentist will make an incision in the gums. After the incision, the dentist will pull back the gum tissue and perform a scaling and root planing procedure. Once the procedure is complete, the dentist will reattach the gum tissue to help prevent tooth loss.

Bone Grafting

This is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone with material from the patient’s own body, an artificial, synthetic, or natural substitute. This procedure is most common in the case of bone deterioration to help the diseased tooth receive support.

Bite Adjustment

A bite adjustment, also known as an occlusal adjustment, is a procedure performed in order to remove interferences that can be preventing teeth from coming together properly.  With this procedure, a dentist will reshape the biting surface by removing small amounts of tooth enamel. This procedure is beneficial for children who have a loose tooth from grinding.

How to Prevent Loose Permanent Teeth in Children

A loose permanent tooth can certainly be alarming. The good news is, there are steps you can take to help prevent this from occurring. It’s important to note that preventing loose teeth isn’t always possible. However, minimizing your child’s risk is likely with the appropriate measures. Read on to learn a few ways you can prevent loose teeth from occurring.

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day: Your child should brush their teeth thoroughly as this helps to remove food and plaque. Plaque that isn’t removed can harden and turn into tartar. This not only makes it more difficult for your child to keep their teeth clean but can lead to inflammation that causes gum disease.
  • Flossing at least once a day: Your child should also incorporate flossing into their dental care as this can improve the overall health of their teeth by helping to remove bacteria and germs that live in the oral cavity. This will also help to prevent gum disease.
  • Attend dental cleanings: Attending routine dental cleanings is an important part of dental care. A dentist will keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy with a thorough cleaning that they won’t be able to conduct on their own.
  • Wear mouth guards when playing sports: Mouth guards can help cushion any blows to the face, which minimizes the risk of broken teeth and injuries. Essentially, this creates a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth and is beneficial for a loose tooth due to grinding.

Proper dental hygiene is essential to protect your child’s teeth and gums. With good dental hygiene, children can minimize their risk of loose permanent teeth greatly. If your child has a loose tooth, it’s important to know that you have options.

With that said, it’s best practice to contact an experienced kids dentist as soon as possible if you believe one or more of your child’s permanent teeth are loose. If you have any additional questions about loose teeth in children, contact us today by booking an appointment online, chatting with us, or giving us a call.